Three dimensional scanning, imaging and printing
solutions for the everyday world.
Precision 3D Laser Scanning
We can rapidly and efficiently capture the surface topology of any rigid physical object (or part thereof) and transform it into a high resolution (if required), dimensionally accurate, digital 3D model.
Our Creaform EXAscan metrology grade 3D scanner is capable of delivering data point resolution as fine as 0.20mm (0.008in) with an accuracy of 0.040mm (0.0016in). Scan data resolution may be varied within a single capture dependent upon the size of the object/area being scanned and surface feature detail desired.
The resulting model may be optimized to reduce the number of polygons used to define the surface topology without loss of surface feature accuracy.
Mission & Values
High Resolution, True
Colour 3D Scanning
We can rapidly and efficiently capture the surface topology and texture (colour) of any rigid/semi-rigid physical object (or part thereof) and transform it into a high resolution (if required), dimensionally accurate, digital 3D model. Our Creaform Go!SCAN 50 3D scanner capable of delivering data point resolution as fine as 0.50mm (0.020in) with an accuracy of 0.100mm (0.004in).